Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I Have Very Big Confession to Make to You All

I have a confession to make to all of you.

Some of you may have suspected already. Many of you have no idea what I am about to share with you.

Since being forced to work at home due to Covid, I have had a lot of time to think and reflect on the life I am living and have decided I need to come clean to all of you and be my authentic self.

I have been stuck in my "home office" for a month and a half now, having nothing to look at other than my 3 monitors and 75" TV:

and of course my 2 dogs:



Oh ya, and here is my liquor cabinet:

Life has been monotonous in my corner. Getting up at 6:30, toast and coffee, podcasts until 7:30 and then work begins and ends at 4:30. During this mandated exile, my addiction has become much worse, consuming and ever larger part of my non-work day. It's even starting to impact my work day now. This has me a bit worried. Can I maintain doing my job while fighting against a formidable addiction? I don't know but I try my hardest every day.

My addiction started innocently enough. You know how these things work. You get bored, there is nothing on TV so you give in and decide, what the hell? I have nothing better to do and my life did not turn out perhaps the way I dreamed it might:

88 mph posts - The flying hot rod - The Millennium Falcon


It began with Hoarders on TLC

Hoarding: Buried Alive, Season 8 on iTunes

and then I got addicted to My 600 Pound Life

James LB Bonner, My 600 Lb. Life: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

I always thought I was better than this. I consider myself a bit of a thought leader. Someone above the rabble, interested in ideas and current events ,not cheap tawdry entertainment that comes at the expense of someone else. No, I am a man for the people (but in truth, not necessarily of the people), I should be better than this. Alas, I fear I am not. I am human.

I thought I could control my addiction to TLC reality shows. I thought I could hide it. I thought I could record the shows, get up really early on the weekends and consume my dirty little secrets, well before Sherri stirs from bed.

My problem has gotten worse. Much, much worse in recent weeks. I thought I could rationalize away my addiction to Hoarders and 600 pound Life. I am learning empathy I told myself. I learning how other people deal with mental health issues I convinced myself. Not so. There is no noble purpose in watching these plane wrecks. Its entertainment and I have drank the Kool-Aid.

This last month things have become even more problematic for me. You see, I discovered another show on TLC. This is where things get difficult as there is no reason for this show to exist or why I am glued to the screen with each episode. I feel like a voyeur watching these people, knowing something they clearly do not and watching as things get awkward as events come to their logical conclusions...well logical to the viewer that is.

It's time to come clean. The new show. This show that I watch, not proudly, but in the shadow of night, is called:

90 Day FiancĂ©: Before the 90 Days has the franchise’s first same-sex couple – reality blurred

So there it is folks. You now know my dirty little secret. Please don't judge harshly. I can't help it but to enjoy these shows. Sure, watching morbidly obese people fail in their journey to wellness should not provide an hour or so of enjoyment but it does. Hoarding? I can't figure it out but Hoarders sheds a light on a portion of our population that has a facilitating mental illness no matter that they lie in their own filth. And of course, watching gullible men and women get cat fished and the obviousness to their situations - of course she is not meeting you in Mexico, dude. Look at you , now look at her....10's don't date 4's. It's science. Every 14 year old knows this. This should not be this exciting, but it is. Watching human train wrecks is addictive. Period. Full Stop.

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